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Our Services

New training development

Coaching and mentoring

Capacity building of our global partners

Rigorous impact evaluations

Training implementations

Adaptations of existing training programs

Project management

(on-site and digital)


Training Programs

Our two main training programs, the Personal Initiative (PI) Training and the Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion (STEP) are action-oriented, evidence-based entrepreneurship training interventions that have been developed by a research team under the guidance of Prof. Michael Frese and Prof. Michael Gielnik. Find out more about the different target groups and previous projects and results!


Target Groups

While we remain true to our principles and methodologically work evidence-based as well as action-oriented in all cases, we can (and are convinced that we should) at the same time include target group and context-specific factors and content. In the past, we have successfully offered programs for diverse target groups.

Agripreneurship training programs to foster sustainable growth in rural areas

Training programs for workers to promote wage employment and decent work conditions

Training programs for students that can be implemented at educational institutions (at various levels)

Training programs that focus on strengthening female entrepreneurship and empowering women in business

Adaptations of training materials to underprivileged target groups with limited or no access to higher education


Our Projects


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What We Do

We promote entrepreneurship by developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions and training programs that foster entrepreneurial thinking and behavior. In our training programs, we use evidence-based training contents and apply action-oriented training approaches. Research has shown that action-oriented approaches, in which participants are learning by doing, outperform other (more conventional and lecture-based) training courses. While our training programs are based on scientific evidence and have been evaluated to the highest empirical standards, we are aware that no intervention is ever perfect. We therefore continuously re-evaluate our training programs to further deepen the theoretical and practical understanding of how our programs can be most effective in benefitting participants, societies and the environment. To this end, we invest in creating new training designs and formats in line with the UN’s SDGs.

What We Do

Read more about Doorways and the services we offer

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